
Τρίτη 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2017



Kathe vradu vlepw asteia video gia na ksexastw
Mhpws tuxei kai den skeftw ths zwhs mou to rhmadio
Protimw na arazw me esena
Kai as mhn kserw na parkarw se touta ta limania ta ksena
Opws eipes "mhn skeftese tipota twra eisai edw."
Na mou to epanalamvaneis kathe mera kathws skizoume ton eirhniko
Gia mia stigmh tsoulisame ths zwhs mas to patini
2 kommatia dipla ston kado oti mou exei apomeinei
Ta matia auta pou athela tous mou kaine thn kardia
Kai to xamogelo auto pou thelw na to exw dipla mou otan koimithw

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